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Biography of Ludwig Hohlwein (1874-1949)

Hohlwein was born in Weisbaden, Germany but settled in Munich at the turn-of-the-century. His first profession was a free-lance interior architect and painter; he then changed his focus to commercial art and poster design. Part of Weisbadens art influence came from the English poster artist's, William Nicholson and James Pryde, known as the Beggarstaffs. He emulated their simplicity but added bold colors and elegant settings. Hohlwein's first poster was dated 1906 and shortly there after, he was proclaimed a German master by journals throughout the country.

Hohlwein's fame earned him numerous German and European commissions and thus he was able to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle; a lifestyle not unlike those he portrays in his posters. His works depict gourmet dinners and the connoisseurs of them, society ladies and elegant businessmen as well as sporting men and well-to-do tourists.

Hohlwein continued to produce posters for three decades mainly creating advertising posters however, during the Second World War he produced a number of posters for the National Socialist cause. Today his work is sought after and can be found in museums and galleries throughout the world.